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  /  Masood Jawaid

Masood Jawaid

Dr. Masood Jawaid is a highly accomplished medical professional with extensive experience in medical education, clinical and educational research, and online education. He is a trained General Surgeon and Medical Educationist, currently working as Director of Medical Affairs and Learning Innovations at PharmEvo (Pvt) Ltd. In addition to this, he serves as Director of the Institute of Leadership Excellence and Associate Editor of the Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences.
With over 100 published papers (h index: 29) and two authored books (Scientific Writing and Medical Writing), Dr. Jawaid has made significant contributions to the field of medical research and education. He has also developed numerous online courses, including the Certificate of Medical Editing and Journalism, Certificate of Online and Distance Education, Online Course Development Tools, Certificate in Health Professional Education to name a few. Dr. Jawaid is also an adjunct faculty member at various medical universities and conducts regular workshops on surgical skills, research, medical education, digital education, Peer Review, Presentation skills, Medical Editing, and Journal publishing.


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