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  /  Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff

Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff

He is Associate Professor and Head, Department of Medical Education, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia. He is a medical doctor with Master of Science and PhD in Medical Education. He is the Editor in Chief of Education in Medicine Journal, the President of Malaysian Association of Education in Medicine & Health Sciences (MAEMHS) (2022-2024), the Regional Director of East Asia of International Society for Emotional Intelligence, Fellow of National Higher Education Research Institute, and Fellow of Centre for Development of Academic Excellence. His areas of expertise are well-being in medical and higher education, curriculum, assessment, development and validation of measurement tools, emotional intelligence, student admission, and psychometric. He is the recipient of many awards such as the Gold Medal for Reimagine Education Teaching Delivery Award 2016, Best of the Best Award and Gold Medal for International Innovative Practices in Higher Education 2016, Excellent Educator Award 2016, International Leadership Award2017, Gold Medal Award for Innovative Practices in Higher Education 2014, Ronald Harden Innovation in Medical Education Award 2013 & 2021, and Sanggar Sanjung Research Award 2022. He completed the medical education editorial internship program provided by Association for Study in Medical Education (ASME) and was awarded the executive education certificate on the Financial Analysis for Non-Financial Managers from INSEAD. In 2022, he was listed in the Top 2% Researchers in World list in the respective field by Stanford University.


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