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  /  Paul Barach

Paul Barach

Dr Paul Barach, a practicing anesthesiologist, former senior hospital executive and medical educator has devoted his medical and clinical career to issues of Health Care Quality, Medical Education, Communication Skills, Quality Improvement, Patient Safety, Professionalism, and Ethics of Healthcare, and training physicians and other health care providers in health care improvement. Since the 2000s, he has been designing patient safety training and leading collaborative quality improvement efforts that seek to both improve health care and train physicians and other health care providers in methods of quality improvement and patient safety. In 2002, Dr. Barach established the first US graduate-level Master’s program in patient safety and healthcare quality at the University of Miami, and in 2005, he co-founded the first medical student training program at the Telluride Patient Safety Roundtable and Summer Camp, an interdisciplinary patient safety learning environment for
medical, nursing and pharmacy students as well as resident physicians.

Dr. Barach has conducted US and international epidemiological and health services research projects related to guideline implementation, chronic care management, outcomes measurement, quality improvement, and patient safety. With over 300 published articles, reviews, books, book chapters, and monographs cited over 13,000 times, Dr. Barach is internationally recognized as a leader in health care quality, patient safety, and human factors. He helped found the Florida Patient Safety Cooperation and co drafted the blueprint for the Massachusetts Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety. Dr. Barach served on the Massachusetts Medical Society Committee for Quality Assurance’s and Clinical Performance Committee, the Executive Committee of the American Medical Association
on Long Range Planning, the American Society of Anesthesia Patient Safety Committee, the World Federation Societies of Anesthesia Patient Safety Committee, National Quality Forum’s Quality Awards, and the Malcolm Baldrige Organizational Performance assessment awards. He has advised the ACGME, ABMS, NBME and AAMC on a variety of patient safety and training efforts and was on the Board of the National Board of Medical Examiners Innovation Center. He has consulted numerous government agencies in 10 countries (e.g., UK, US, Oman, Australia, Singapore, Pakistan, etc) on how best to incorporate safety, quality and human factors into the curriculum and accreditation mechanisms. Paul was part of the team that created the award winning TeamSTEPPS team training
program now used in 2000 hospitals in over 60 countries. Dr. Barach is board certified in Anesthesiology and Critical Care by the American Board of Anesthesiology. Paul is an elected member of the lead international honorary society the Association of University Anaesthesiologists. Paul holds numerous US and international academic part time positions as Professor at the Sigmund Freud University in Vienna, Austria; Professor (contract) Imperial College London, UK; Honorary Professor, University of Queensland, Australia; Lecturer and senior advisor to Dean, Jefferson College of Population Health; Honorary Professor, University of Birmingham, UK; Visiting Professor Milan Polytechnic;, Italy Visiting Professor and HonoraryProfessor at the National Cancer Center in Seoul, Korea, and Visiting Professor, Riphah University, Pakistan, and at MUHAS, Tanzania.

Paul has been regularly funded for his research grants and his work has led to over $16,000,000 as PI or Co-PI (of more than $200,000,000 in group funding) in federal competitive grant funding from the US (NIH/AHRQ/HRSA), EC (FP-7, Horizon, Erasmus), Australia (NHMRC, ARC), UK (NIHR), Dutch, UK ( NIHR, DOH) and Norwegian Federal Agencies. He regularly gives courses on Team Training Competencies Based Medical Education; Team Leadership in Disaster Management; Leadership during Crisis; Preparation of Health Systems; Surgical Patient Safety and Human Factors.


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