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  /  Ricardo León-Bórquez

Ricardo León-Bórquez

President of the World Federation of Medical Education

Professor Ricardo León-Bórquez has participated in the WFME since 2014 as a regional representative of the American Continent since he was the President of the Pan-American Federation of Associations of Medical Schools (PAFAMS) until April 2022. On the latter date he joined the WFME as the President-Elect, assuming the responsibility of the presidency on 1 January 2023.

He is a professor of medicine and former Dean of Medicine and Vice-President of Health Sciences at the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara, México.

Professor León-Bórquez also served as the President of the Mexican Association of Medical Schools and Faculties (AMFEM). He has lectured in medical education in many countries in North America, Caribbean, Latin America, Europe, and Asia.


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